– Time is money. 


We take over your memory status reporting to the authorities.


Remit message

Storage participant report (according to REMIT):
According to Article 8 of Regulation (Eu) No. 1227/2011 ("REMIT Regulation") and Article 9 of the Implementing Regulation EU No. 1348/2014 (IR 1348/2014) on data reporting, market participants are obliged to report the gas quantities held in storage facilities to the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators on a daily basis at the end of a gas day.

This reporting can also be done by the storage operator. SEFE Storage offers this service by means of an additional contract for an annual fee of € 1000. 

The contract is valid for one storage year and will be renewed for another year unless notice of termination is given and as long as the customer has valid storage contracts with SEFE Storage.

Reporting is done via the "registered reporting mechanism" (RRM) Gas Storage Europe (GSE). SEFE Storage initiates the reporting to the RRM, which in turn forwards the reports to ACER. Upon request, an additional copy of the report can be sent to one or more customer addresses.

Note: The report is aggregated over all storage contracts or storage accounts held by the storage customer at SEFE Storage. If a customer holds storage contracts at several storage locations, the storage statuses are aggregated.

Storage products

Auction products

Pay-as-bid. Bid on our latest capacity offers via Prisma.

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Special products

As dynamic as the markets: You can find our current offers here. 

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Standard products

pack, add, part. SEFE Storage has the following standardised storage products at all three storage facilities.  

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